11th May 2019, i Flautisti are happy to teach the workshop for teachers and students on the topic of ensemble playing. Small concert included.
Author: Jitka Konečná
Gramatneusiedl, June 2019
8th June 2019, Cafe im Wittnerhof cooperation with Musik aktuell 2440 Gramatneusiedl
Münchendorf, December 2018
16th of December, 4:00pm, Musiksalon Münchendorf Himbergerstraße 4, 2482 Münchendorf Reservation – 0676/6384668, 0681/20 908 129, hannaneves@hotmail.com
Prague, November 2019
10th November 2019, Dolní Břežany, Praha – západ
Prague, November 2018
15th November, Kostel sv. Františka, Anežský klášter, 07:30pm Souzvuk zobcových fléten