teaching recorder in an unconventional way July 8 – 11, 2021, Rajnochovice, Czech Republic The seminar is accredited in the DVPP system of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports under file no .: MSMT – 32861 / 2020-4-742 The content of the event an experienced recorder seminar that will offer an extraordinary ejoyment…
Author: Jitka Konečná
i Flautisti HOUR – technique fitness
iFLAUTISTI HOUR ZOOM lekce s iFlautisti o technice! Datum: 28.5., 10hod Pro účast na setkání je potřeba mít staženou aplikaci ZOOM. Link pro schůzku vám přijde předem emailem. Účastnický poplatek 100,-Kč. Přihlášky zde: https://forms.gle/jegzFf1Y1EczM75P9 Budeme s vámi sdílet zajímavosti z oblasti techniky hry na zobcovou flétnu. Těšíme se na Vás. Nezapomeňte si vzít vaše kafíčko!…
Kötschach, August 2021
VIA IULIA AUGUSTA Sonntag 1. August 2021Privatgarten des Servitenklosters, Kötschach
i Flautisti HOUR
ZOOM meeting Talk with iFlautisti about our favourite music! Date of the meeting: 6.2. at 10:00 Applicantions are available from 20 January – 1st February at this link: https://forms.gle/33aECsxdnmWpLhzG9 For meeting you need to download Zoom. The link for Zoom will be sent to you in advance. Joining is easy and free!!! We will share…
Video Competition
Our video was among the 12 best of the Sören Sieg Music Video Competition 2020! Sören Sieg: Hivyo ndivyo (That’s it!), African Suite No. 15, 3mov, played and filmed by iFlautisti. – YouTube “We love music, our passion for recorder quartet and our personal relationship grows and last since more than 10 years, even across…